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The first multi-chain Web3 Marketing platform together with NFT greeting cards, Crypto gifts, and Metaverse party goods Marketplace. Bringing a billion-dollar industry to Blockchain.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

The first multi-chain Web3 Marketing platform together with NFT greeting cards, Crypto gifts, and Metaverse party goods Marketplace. Creators, users/seekers, collectors, and businesses can meet and interact at the platform using digital content released as NFT: greetings, postcards, stories, invites, etc.

By providing utility and ownership with the help of Blockchain technology, we will open a completely new Web3 experience in terms of engagement, loyalty increase, and monetization for Brands, Influencers, Celebrities, Bloggers, and others.

Cruzo as a part of a new Creator's economy will contribute to developing tools and services for the new generation of NFT Creators helping them monetize their artworks and increase their popularity. Thanks to this, users will have more creative opportunities to congratulate relatives and friends on important events.

Our mission is to give emotions and happy moments to everyone and advance the mass adaptation of NFTs through a revolutionary greeting cards and gifts marketplace.

✅ Useful Links & Media

Project Website -

DApp Beta-

GitHub -

✅ Community links

General Telegram Group -

Discord -

✅ Social links

Telegram -

Twitter -

Blog Medium -

Instagram -

LinkedIn -

How it's Made

Frontend: Next.js, SCSS, ethers.js, IPSF

Backend: Nest.js (REST API), ethers.js, Postgres, Redis, Bull, S3, IPSF

Blockchain (smart contracts): Solidity

Indexer: Go Ethereum

We build a revolutionary Web3 Marketing platform togather with NFT marketplace for any kind of user: seekers, brands, bloggers, influencers, etc.

Brands or Influencers can use NFT Greetings for:

✅ Repeat sales

✅ Referrals and word-of-mouth marketing

✅ Advance notice of super sales

✅ Invitations to special vents

✅ Introduce new products

✅ Make your special offer feel like a gift

✅ Celebrate achieving a new tier in a loyalty program

If you are a true marketer you'll never limit yourself with ways how to communicate, engage or monetize your audience.

"Greeting cards that make customers feel like they are #1 and that they are truly valued can lead to them becoming excellent, outspoken brand ambassadors. This not only translates to repeat business but also referral of new customers, positive product reviews, and proactive social media love."


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