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Cricinshots is a free to play + play & earn cricket strategy game. The game is set in the 31st century, with sustaiable economics and a fun gameplay.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

We believe that Cricket will drive mainstream adoption of Web3 gaming in India, and will soon be a mass phenomenon with millions of users playing cricket games with play and earn mechanics. This will also lead to millions of users getting their first crypto wallet, their first crypto etc. But:

Limitations of traditional cricket games:

  1. The games have low to no strategy involved, due to which they fail at long term engagement
  2. No ROI for users on time and money spent

Issues with current Web3 cricket games:

  1. NFTs are the core product, and the gameplay secondary
  2. The gameplay sucks
  3. The game economies are not sustainable

Limitations of Digital cricket collectibles:

  1. No usability or decent gameplay for the NFTs bought

Limitations of traditional fantasy cricket:

  1. Lack of year round engagement + necessity of live matches
  2. Lack of continuity (teams reset every match) and real ownership

What makes Cricinshots different: Cricinshots is a sustainable + free to play + play & earn cricket strategy game, with a fun and never before seen gameplay.

  1. We are adding strategy & longevity to cricket games, increasing the shelf life significantly
  2. We are building a full fledged service economy inside the game, where users can play roles like investor, trader, player, builder etc opening new experiences and ways to engage for the users
  3. Through our game users can generate sustainable ROI.

Currently people are churning through hypercasual cricket games and are looking for a more meaningful experiences

How it's Made

  1. Most wallet infra for mobile is extremely under developed. We found zero solutions for connecting a metamask wallet to a native flutter app. We had to experiment, debug and solve this on our own. For that, we studied how metamask handles dapp connections for web, and then wrote a custom plugin which emulates that behaviour and sends data to our endpoint. The endpoint after collection of appropriate information redirects to a deeplink of our app, which brings the user back from metamask. Finally, when that deeplink is called, we update token balances for the user in the game
  2. We want to build a sustainable game economy for Cricinshots, hence writing the tokenomics rules and logic was a big challenge. We tried various different methods + wrote a proprietary network difficulty algorithm, and ran multiple scenarios to finalise tokenomic rules, and then we could write our smart contracts. Creating sustainable economies is harder because i) There haven't been exemplary successful economies in games yet ii) It is very difficult to get hands on data from other web3 games. Very little data is available for DAUs and other engagement metrics, which we wish to plot against transaction data to check how engagement metrics affected the economy
  3. We had to write a lot of error handling to handle all edge cases for wallet connections and token visualization inside the game
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