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Secure, Verifiable Credentials and Collaboration Protocol. Connecting Soul Bound Tribes.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

CredQuest is a digital reputation network that verifies accomplishments & skills.

Orgs and DAOS issue tamper-proof credentials to members & freelancers who accomplish bounty secured quests. With AI integrations, freelancers can showcase real-time skill and professional development credentials.

CredQuest gig marketplace powers the network by providing an open marketplace for short-term opportunities with bounties, called QUESTS.

Freelancers can showcase their real-time experience & Soul Bound skill credentials, stored, verified & minted through our IPFS & Filecoin Virtual Machine (FeVM) architecture. CredQuest Soul Bound Credentials provide an accurate, reliable and searchable representation of freeLANCER qualifications.

How it's Made

CredQuest, Soul Bound Credential Issuance Protocol

Smart Contract Architecture:

  1. Org Controller Contract: managing ORG or DAO account details
  2. Quest Controller Contract: managing ORG QUEST creation, freelancer proposal upload, acceptance or rejection. Followed by work submission and release of bounty.
  3. Credential Controller Contract: credentials minting & verification Tamper-proof skill analysis are stored on the credentials (ERC1155) minted and verified with IPFS & FVM.

Storing DATA On IPFS Examples of data that could be stored on IPFS include:

  1. User Profile Data: Information such as name, contact information, professional qualifications, and other details about users' professional background could be stored on IPFS. This data would be hashed and encrypted before being stored on IPFS to ensure privacy and security.
  2. Credentials: Digital credentials such as degrees, certificates, and badges issued to users could be stored on IPFS. These credentials would be issued by the organizations and would be verifiable by other organizations and individuals.
  3. Professional Development Data: Information about professional development activities, such as training courses, workshops, and conferences that users have participated in could be stored on IPFS.
  4. Reputation and skills scoring: A system that uses blockchain technology to create a tamper-proof record of users’ professional achievements, allowing them to demonstrate their skills and reputation to potential employers or clients.

Prizes we’re targeting with CredQuest

FVM Spaceships: All the data we collect on the CredQuest platform is saved on the IPFS through the Filecoin network. We have a backend architecture that communicates with Filecoin actors using Events dispatched from the actors and then updated to our local database for easier retrieval.DAOs that are registered on CredQuest do not have to worry about the wrong data. They can show off all their awesome members and use Quests for seamless onboarding, promotion, and rewarding their current and future members.

FVM Discovery Tools: CredQuest by description is a marketplace for securing Talent with verifiable experience. As champions of decentralisation using Filecoin infrastructure allows data sovereignty, decentralised and open storage for all members of the platform. With tools like Lighthouse, we can even add layers of encryption of data saved to IPFS. We have deployed actors on the FEVM and connected these actors to our Dapp. We have Lancers that receive their credentials which are verifiable on the Filecoin network and IPFS. In the future we could also bridge the platform with other SBT, POAP and similar badges to be displayed on our Lancer´s profile.

Filecoin Jetpacks: CredQuest is built on the trustless nature of the blockchain and Filecoin Infrastructure. We take advantage of the open and transparent nature of the Filecoin network to display a Credential list for our Lancers. This ensures that Lancers show their true on-chain credentials. DAO membership, Quest completion, and other Soul Bound Tokens are shown. DAOs that are registered on CredQuest do not have to worry about the wrong data. They can show off all their awesome members and use Quests for seamless onboarding.

Lighthouse: Lighthouse is an SDK that allows seamless uploading of data to the Filecoin network and returns a Content Identifier that points to the content of the file, similar to Lighthouse is very powerful because of its encryption features. Files saved on IPFS via Lighthouse can easily be encrypted and decrypted for higher levels of privacy and that’s what CredQuest is committed to preserving. We know that the credentials might be confidential and we encrypt them before saving to the network.

We have used lighthouse in many ways. Lighthouse helps us directly connect all he data that we mentioned above to be stored on IPFS. It also allows us to ¨Credential Gate or SBT gate any quest that an org or DAO wishes to post. This is a great use of the protocol and we can use further for DAOS to add requirements like only allowing certain LANCERS to accept certain quests.

Push Protocol: CredQuest also uses Push Protocol to receive notifications about events, actions, messages and transactions that happen on the network. We have a dashboard that allows us to easily access all these thanks to the Push Protocol.

Spheron Network: Credquest’s frontend is deployed to Spheron network, which is a decentralised network for deploying Dapps. We are using the Web hosting feature of Spheron network.


With these CredQuest rails DAOS can completely program their onboarding process issuing SBT Credentials to LANCERS and keeping track of their engagement and onboarding progress. CredQuest will be a wonderful tool for increasing DAO engagement and at the same time showcasing members and promoting the community.

For Lancers, CredQuest allows a profile that aggregates SBTs and showcases all the activity they want displayed. We secure privacy and interoperability with everything on chain thanks to IPFS and Filecoin infrastructure. We are excited to take this product to the next level.

Our social impact mission would be to connect many great niche education tools and start minting CredQuest credentials to allow like-minded LANCERS to find each other and keep up-skilling.

CredQuest also has connections with OpenAI, see in the repo, where the Quest description can read which skills are included in each quest. Similar to Github and GitPOAP, Lancers will show their real-time professional development progress and members of the platform can search for skills of Lancers they hope to collaborate with.

Thank you for the opportunity! Join CredQuest and find your Soul Bound Tribe

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