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Transparent, Tamper-proof & Decentralized Litigation


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

Present state of Litigation or Court Cases has a lot of is very inefficient & have many problems like: -Non transparent & hard to access

  • Slow
  • Prone to evidence tampering.
  • Hard to track progress
  • Inefficient in data management etc

Courtx helps by:

  • Making data tamperproof by storing data & its provable fingerpring in blockchain & decentralize storage.
  • Keeping track of all the historical case related data.
  • Making evidences transparent, accessible & reliable.
  • Making the process of hearing & litigature efficient.
  • Persistent Single source of Data.
  • Disincentivization mechanism by staking to fastract case closing and predetermined closing conditions.

How it's Made

One problem we faced lately was when we were integrating worldcoin sdk authentication with CourtX as it was throwing an error while verification using their widget. We were able to resolve it by collectively debugging the issue and also by getting some help by reaching out to Worldcoin representatives.

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