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A platform that enables content creators get paid anonymously and interact with their subscribers in a safe and secure manner.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

This project was created to solve a significant pain point in the creative industry, content creators can reap the fruits of their labor in a timely, safe, and secure manner, while, subscribers can consume content anonymously in a safe and secure manner.

This project combines an upgradeable and pausable smart-contract deployed to the hyperspace testnet and a browser-based frontend that enables users to perform the underlisted actions;

  1. SIGN IN: Users can sign in to the dapp by connecting to their favorite wallet on the hyperspace network.

  2. Create Post: Users can create a post, which is immediately shared with their followers. The posts can be scheduled to be shared at a later date.

  3. Create NFT contracts: Creators can embed NFT contracts(specifying the amount for each NFT) in each post which would serve as access tickets to gated contents.

  4. Make Comments, Like, And Share Posts: On each post, users can make comments, like, and share posts.

  5. Donate FIL and Mint NFT: Users can donate any amount of their choosing on any post and also mint NFTs on posts with embedded NFT contracts.

  6. Create NFT-gated Content: Creators can upload videos with embedded NFT contracts. Only users in possession of the specified NFT collection would be able to access the content.

  7. Create NFT-gated LiveStreams: Users can create live streams with embedded NFT contracts where users with specified NFT collection would be able to participate

  8. Send Private Messages: users can send private messages to other users

  9. Get Notifications: users get notified when other users interact with their posts(e.g like posts, donate FIL, mint post NFTs, etc)

  10. View Trending Contents: Users can view contents that are attracting the most attention

How it's Made

The smart-contract was built with solidity and deployed to the hyperspace testnet, the frontend was built with ReactJs. Wagmi was employed for interaction with the blockchain.

Lighthouse was used to store images uploaded on each post and authenticate users for NFT-gated content.

Livepeer was used to host and display videos, HuddleSDK was employed for live streaming and Push protocol was used to send notifications to each user.

Lastly, NFTport was used to embed NFT collection contracts to posts and enable users to mint from posts.

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