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Accelerating colombian farmers entry to the cannabis industry through blockchain validation.


Created At


Winner of


🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon


🫶 Ethereum Foundation — 🥇 Inclusion and Tangible Local Impact

Project Description

Colombian farmers were among the most impacted groups by the internal conflict caused by the war on drugs that left 260.000 victims in the country. They saw an opportunity to join a US$ 1.3B industry and be part of economic growth when the Colombian government regulated cannabis production in 2016. By 2022 only 4% of total licenses have been granted to them. Getting a license is a bureaucratic process that includes filling out several forms, visit different regulators offices and get through human verifications that many times end up in a rejection due to errors.

Small & medium farmers seeking for a license using cosecha upload their documents in a single online location, submit them to 4 different regulators to get validation through API and receive an NFT compliance certificate when they got approval. An app for small farmers to make easier the process of: 1.Upload all documents required to apply for a license in single place. 2. Validate documents through API by regulators. 3. Generate an NFT / compliance certificate.

How it's Made

This project uses a smart contract deployed on starknet to connect licensees to trade their harvest. In parallel, the team deployed a smart contract on Mumbai testnet in order to make easier to audit the requirements for obtain a farmer license. There is also a subgraph to query all the transactions involved in the process. We use to upload document into the InterPlanetary Files System.

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