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Generates calldata required for diva token voting from Rocket Pool node


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

CopyBallot is a user-friendly web application simplifies participation in governance for individuals holding non-transferable tokens commonly distributed via airdrops. These tokens are often tied to specific blockchain protocols, such as Diva in this context, enabling users to play a direct role in decision-making without relying on intermediaries. The app streamlines the process by generating a straightforward voting command, making it easy for users to engage with the protocol's activities and future direction.

Project inspiration came from article discussing the possibilities of doing this.

How it's Made

CopyBallott is built using Next.js with React as the core technology stack. It leverages several components and APIs to create a seamless user experience. Here are the key details:

Next.js and React: The app's frontend is developed using Next.js and React, allowing for efficient rendering and seamless user interactions.

Tally API Integration: To provide users with the available proposals for Diva staking DAO, the app integrates with the Tally API. This enables real-time access to governance proposals, allowing users to make informed decisions.

Lit Protocol Authentication: The app utilizes the Lit Protocol for user authentication. To access and utilize the application, users are required to sign in with their Ethereum credentials and possess Diva tokens, ensuring secure and authorized access for voting.

React-Markdown: Proposal descriptions are presented using the React-Markdown library. This helps in rendering proposal details in a user-friendly and easily readable format.

Sentible UI Styling: The project incorporates sentible UI for part of the theme and styling, enhancing the app's visual appeal and usability.

By combining these technologies, we've created a user-friendly and secure platform for users to engage in Diva staking DAO governance. The integration of partner technologies and the use of React components have streamlined the development process, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience."

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