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Consense Multisig (Funds and Admin)

Consense Multisig Wallet is not Just a Multisig wallet, Consense wallet helps board of administration to handle operations in a decentralized manner in that before an important action is carried out, all the members of the board to sign to that including the management of funds.

Consense Multisig (Funds and Admin)

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🥈 Covalent — Best Use

Project Description

I believe that multisig operation should be useful not just for handling funds but also any other administrative operations. Take for instance a DAO that wishes to send funds to charity, in other to carry this operation out, they would have to trust someone to perform that transaction as stated. Using Consense Wallet al member of the board has ultimate right to making that transaction a success. Consense Wallet is a Multisig wallet which on creation, the deployed can state how many board members is on the board and the minium amount of signature needed before a transaction can be excecuted. Consense Wallet was built using Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Next JS, React JS, EthersJS and other tools. For Gas efficiency, consense makes use of the Minimal Proxy Cloning Pattern on deployment of New wallets, this reduces gas cost be 90% and Consense wallet is deployed on the polygon Main network where gas fee is very cheap and almost unnoticed. Frontend was built using the a react js framework NextJS

How it's Made

Consense Wallet Implementation contract, Proxy Clone contracts and Bank contracts are all deployed to the @Polygon Mumbai. Using the @Quicknode RPC procvider, these contracts was deployed swiftly and the frontend was also made use of @Quicknode RPC provider to intract (read and write) to these contracts. @Covalent API was used to fetch account data from the blockchain, The @Covalent API allow Consense Wallet Bank application to get the Matic balance of the connected user and also balances of the ERC20 tokens of the connected user and also a list on ERC20 tokens that belongs to a USER. @Valist was used for the application publishing.

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