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collabs a constantly evolving fully onchain and decentralized space to collaboratively draw and contribute to a single art piece, with each snapshot showing a moment in time, with fully onchain authentication for those who contributed using IPFS attestation and layering.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Collab allows you to engage in a new, more personal way, and collectors to have a whole new dimension of value and collectability. The Collabs a constantly evolving fully onchain and decentralized space to collaboratively draw and contribute to a single art piece, with each snapshot NFT showing a moment in time, with fully onchain authentication for those who contributed using IPFS attestation and layering. Draw, collaborate, collect. It all starts with a blank canvas. Contribute for free to the testnet Collab which will be used as the base for the launch!

How it's Made

IPFS attestation and submitting hash for layer as signature. Contract for auction and base layer. React. Sol. By storing IPFS hashes on the Ethereum blockchain, Collab ensures that contributions are permanently linked to their creators. This on-chain authentication method confirms the identity of contributors and the authenticity of the artwork, crucial for the credibility of the platform and the value of the created NFTs.

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