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A web app that allows you to archive any website by taking a screenshot of the website and pinning it to IPFS using


Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

We built a web app that pins any url to ipfs. Think of way back machine or, but web3. We also created a twitter bot that pins any tweet to IPFS. We used Web3.Storage to do the pinning. Most of the code is python running on a Flask Server. Our Twitter bot runs on python. It does take about 10 seconds for the image to pin depending on internet speed at the time. The twitter bot is a little faster. You can @aifrensbot under any tweet to try it out.

How it's Made

We mostly wrote everything in Python. We used the Selenium library to capture the screenshot, HTML to display the information and a flask server to connect python to HTML. Our twitter bot uses the same python script (mostly) to run the code on twitter. We used Web3.Storage to pin the screenshot we capture of each website. We serve the link through our Pinata Gateway since we already pay for bandwidth there.

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