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ChaseGem is a decentralized platform for finding, supporting trustable information source called Gems.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Introducing ChaserGem, an innovative social project designed to help users uncover niche, high-quality information sources spanning a multitude of fields. Often, these valuable sources have limited followers despite their exceptional content, and they deserve a platform to shine and receive funding through a dedicated protocol.

ChaserGem was primarily created to explore cutting-edge technologies that pique our interest, such as NEXTID, Polygon zkEVM, and gas zero transactions. As a decentralized platform, ChaserGem enables users to discover and support trustworthy information sources, known as Gems, from various domains.

Leveraging the Polygon zkEVM blockchain and the ERC-1155 token standard, ChaserGem empowers users to back hidden gem information sources, fostering a thriving ecosystem for sharing and promoting quality content.

How it's Made

Launching a preset NFT list with Twitter personas, alpha hunters will be first, find their ETH addresses & Arkham. Use 1155, 1 per user can mint 1 person. Mint with native tokens, use Zora-like fees protect bots. User can contribute with ERC20 and leaderboard with NEXTID. Deploy on zkevm, test gas usage.

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