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Chalkboard is a NFT marketplace for artists to sell their chalkboard artwork


Created At


Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Worldcoin — Pool Prize


🏊‍♂️ Pocket Network — Pool Prize


6️⃣ XMTP — Top 6

Project Description

Chalkboard is a NFT marketplace for artists to sell their chalkboard artwork. Artists can list their chalkboard artwork as NFTs. Buyers can purchase chalkboard NFTs to support the artist's works and share the benefit of their favorite artists' success, while artists can live comfortably, grow their audience, and stay independent.

How it's Made

Solidity is used for coding the smart-contract. Smart contract is deployed on Polygon testnet and Goreli testnet. Website is built with React. XMTP for providing chat functionality between buyers and artists. Worldcoin widget is used in the frontend and smart contract to ensure that the artist is real. Pocket Network as an RPC provider for Goreli and Polygon testnet. ENS for resolving ENS names and avatars.

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