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Create and manage attestations with a user-friendly form and view attested items in a dedicated tab.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of


Sign Everything Pool Prize

Project Description

This project is an advanced blockchain interface designed to manage and interact with cryptocurrency gratuities and digital attestations. It offers users a comprehensive view and control over their blockchain activities, including managing gratuities, creating attestations, and monitoring network and account statistics.

Key Features:

  1. Gratuity Management:

    • Send Gratuities: Users can send cryptocurrency gratuities with personalized messages to specified addresses.
    • View Gratuity Stats: Displays overall donation statistics, including total amount donated and number of transactions.
    • View Gratuity Messages: Lists messages associated with past gratuity transactions, providing details on sender and amount.
  2. Attestation Management:

    • Create Attestations: Users can create attestations by filling out a form with details such as name, email, and address. This information is recorded on the blockchain.
    • View Attested Items: A dedicated tab for viewing all created attestations with detailed information about each one.
  3. Network and Account Statistics:

    • Network Stats: Provides insights into the current blockchain network, including total transactions, active users, and network health metrics.
    • Account Stats: Shows detailed information about the user's blockchain account, including balance, transaction history, and recent activities.
  4. NFT Details:

    • NFT Overview: Displays details of any NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) associated with the user's account, including ownership information, metadata, and transaction history.

Technical Details:

  • Blockchain Integration: Connects to Ethereum-based smart contracts for managing gratuities and attestations, and provides real-time updates on network and account statistics.
  • Smart Contracts: Utilizes pre-deployed contracts to handle gratuity transactions and attestations. Interactions with these contracts are managed through Web3.
  • User Interface: Developed using React, the interface is organized into distinct sections for managing gratuities, attestations, network stats, account stats, and NFTs.
  • Error Handling: Includes robust mechanisms for error handling and user notifications to ensure a seamless experience during interactions.


  1. Send Gratuity: Enter the amount and message, then complete the transaction.
  2. View Gratuity Stats and Messages: Monitor total donations and read associated messages.
  3. Create Attestation: Submit attestation details using the provided form.
  4. View Attested Items: Review all created attestations with their details.
  5. Network Stats: Access metrics related to the blockchain network.
  6. Account Stats: Check account balance, transaction history, and recent activities.
  7. NFT Details: Explore details and history of NFTs owned by the user.

How it's Made

This project leverages React for a dynamic frontend, styled with Tailwind CSS for a modern look. It uses Ethers.js and Wagmi to interact with Ethereum smart contracts deployed on the Sepolia testnet, handling transactions and state updates efficiently. The integration includes real-time notifications via React Hot Toast and employs custom hooks for streamlined contract interactions and error handling, ensuring a seamless and secure user experience for managing blockchain-based gratuities and attestations.

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