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Cross chain ERC 4337 compatible contract accounts as browser extensions


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ UMA - Best Use


🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize


🥈 Scroll — Best Use

Project Description

Caravan is a cross chain ERC 4337 compatible contract account available as a browser extension for users. The extension delivers a seamless user experience for managing, transferring, and interacting with assets across multiple blockchain networks from a single interface.

Here's what we built:

  1. Multi-Network Compatibility: Caravan’s browser-based wallet is engineered for compatibility with more than 7 blockchain networks. This functionality aims to simplify cross-chain transactions and reduce the complexity of managing multiple wallets, each tied to a specific network.

  2. Smart Payment System: Caravan’s architecture accommodates transactions with and without paymasters' involvement. This flexibility allows users to opt for traditional transaction fee structures or to leverage subsidized fees, depending on their requirements.

  3. Easy Onboarding: Non native crypto users find it extremely difficult to manage seed phrase and private keys. To simplify this, we built a simple email login flow which is ideal for most users.

  4. Inbuilt Onramp: To make it simple for users to fund their wallet we embedded an onramp inside our product. The onramp helps users in more than 100 countries to directly fund their AA wallet in three clicks. Also, users can swap their digital tokens inside the wallet itself without going to an external platform.

  5. Asset Management and Security: Two key features distinguish Caravan’s approach to asset management. First, a social recovery mechanism using OTP ensures that wallet access is recoverable across multiple devices. Second, an automated staking feature for DAI (sDAI) allows users to earn a yield on idle assets, allowing convenient conversion back to DAI.

How it's Made

Caravan is a browser wallet extension that supports Account Abstraction out of the box with security features such as entering a PIN before every transaction, social recovery via email login, and support to use the extension on any device.

All this was done using account abstraction resources that were available on ethInfinitism.

Verifying paymasters have been deployed across all supported chains so that the user need not always possess the native token of the chain and can still send transactions normally. We have also made use of etherspot's skandha bundler, which is an open-source ERC4337 bundler that helps to relay the user operations submitted by the user.

Our implementation was inspired from Trampoline which is an open source starter template for ERC4337 browser wallet extensions.

Caravan supports seven chains and provides cross chain transaction support, where we leverage Across Bridge, powered by UMA’s optimistic oracle. Across-enabled cross chain transactions settlement in around 1 minute which provides a good user experience.

A problem that all wallet users face is not earning anything while the funds are stored inside a wallet. On the contrary, in the real world a bank gives them interest on a savings account just for keeping funds. By integrating sDAI and combining it with the power of AA, we enabled Auto-Deposit of funds from the wallet to convert them into sDAI, and withdraw them back to DAI with just a single switch of a button.

Tableland was integrated by us to store cross chain and same chain transaction data.

The supported chains are:

  1. Mantle Network
  2. Polygon Network
  3. Ethereum
  4. Polygon Testnet (Mumbai)
  5. Optimism
  6. Scroll
  7. Sepolia
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