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Caddle is a data aggregation tool for the data science community to share large datasets for purposes ML Training and Data Analytics.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

Caddle's target audience are the ML Developers and Data Scientists who can use it to find an optimal dataset from the several available public datasets to train their model or perform research-driven data analytics. Caddle can also be used by a team of Data Scientist to share a private dataset between themselves or their organization. Currently there is no such data aggregation and versioning platform in the market that can solve this problem for the ML Devs and Data Scientists, thus Caddle can make the task of data aggregation easier for it's users.

How it's Made

One of the major problems I had encountered during the project was managing the time, as a solo participant I had to manage end-to-end tasks of the entire project and also ensure that I write clean, readable and maintable code.

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