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Butterfly a SocialFi web application using Account Abstraction to create a monetized version of tiktok


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Butterfly is a SocialFi web application using Account Abstraction to create a short form video Social Networking site. It allows short form video content creators to monetize their content from paid for likes. Site users get an Account Abstraction wallet when they sign up where they can pay a dollar a month for a hundred likes which they can give to their favourite videos and content creator. So for example if a video gets 10000 likes the content creator is given a $100 since each like works out to roughly 1 cent or $0.01

How it's Made

Butterfly is a SocialFi web application using Account Abstraction to create a short form video Social Networking site. The site was built with Safe Core (Auth Kit, Onramp Kit and Relay Kit) and the pay for likes mechanism was attempted using a Safe Core Plugin. The site is built on NextJS, React and the backend API is built using Node, Express and MongoDB. The site content is saved on IPFS.

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