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Invest and grow! Play and Earn


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of


🏊 StackOS — Pool Prize

Project Description

Our product helps investors to save time and energy researching cryptocurrencies to invest in. Our product helps beginner investors to take calculated risks and diversify their portfolios of crypto experts. Our application helps crypto experts earn money as commission from the users of their created crypto portfolio. Users can also view their friend's investment allocations and invest in them. Users can use any exchange of their wishes in order to invest in a crypto collection.

For example: An investor who uses CoinDcx will be able to invest in tokens specified in the crypto basket. (eg: 50% BTC, 50% eth basket) We are also planning to expand this by adding Android, and ios support.

We also have a games section in which users can play a fantasy cricket league in which users can bet on cricket players. Current problem with web2 fantasy sports games are even they can create a team at the end of the game and bag the cash prize.

How it's Made

We were beginners with smart contracts so we had a tough time integrating the smart contract into the front end(solved it by referring youtube tutorials). Biconomy GitHub example of nextjs was not working(reached out to their community)

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