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A decentralised barcode generator and small-business-oriented DAO.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

This application leverages the power of blockchain technology to propose a decentralised, more democratic and more efficient alternative to large barcode generator companies like GS1.

The application will allow businesses to register as a company on the platform - giving them a stake in how it is run - followed by the power to generate barcodes in order to keep inventory of and efficiently sell their products.

It will also help businesses see other products vouched for by the platform - with barcodes that have been generated on it.

How it's Made

We made use of the Graph in order to make queries to our smart contract - deployed, at the moment, on Ethereum's Goerli testnet.

Otherwise, we have made use of hardhat for the purpose of smart contract generation and nextjs for the frontend interface with which we make things happen on our platform.

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