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Bounty Attestor allows to attest that an account won a bounty. It gives the bounty winners and opportunity to use that attestation in a number of use cases going forward.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Bounty Attestor aims to create a credible source of reputation verification for winners and participants of bounties and other relevant events on-chain. These reputation attestations will help teams secure future funding and make the future DAO and VC onboarding processes easier.

How it works: bounty issuers can attest the addresses of the winners, and the winners then can take action, like minting an NFT with the winning details.

How it's Made

We used optimism starter and optimism atst sdk and then built a smart contract with Solidity and Foundry. On the UI side we used React, Wagmi, tailwindcss, vitejs and daisyUI. Here is the tech that we used for this project.

Tech Stack: Optimism Solidity Foundry Hardhat React Vitejs Wagmi Tailwindcss

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