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Bookkeeper uses alternative data for sustainable women-owned small & medium-sized businesses to improve credit scoring, helping banks & financial institutions make informed & equitable lending decisions while reaching a new market of unscorable applicant


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Bookkeeper is a product that alternative data to support credit scoring for women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (WSMEs) engaged in sustainable practices and help banks and financial institutions make informed and equitable lending decisions; improve risk assessment while boosting revenue growth, tapping into a vast market of new applicants who have traditionally been unscorable.

How it's Made

Bookkeeper is a product that alternative data to support credit scoring for women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (WSMEs) engaged in sustainable practices and help banks and financial institutions make informed and equitable lending decisions; improve risk assessment while boosting revenue growth, tapping into a vast market of new applicants who have traditionally been unscorable.

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