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Blockenberg: Decentralized headless CMS built on Webnative. We provide the content creation interface for your


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

We provide the content creation interface. If you are familiar with WordPress, we are the "admin". In order to display your page, you need an application - this is the "headless" principle. You can bootstrap the development with sample application (coming soon) or build your own. In this approach, we are similar to Contently or Hygraph.

Update: I developed a very simplistic React blueprint that connects to CMS, to show the "client side" of the CMS (content rendering part). Repo is here: and app is deployed here: (note that it is completely independent, creating another layer of resilience)

Another difference between Blockenberg and WordPress is that instead of the database we use the blockchain technology. All your data are bound to the account you created and published on the distributed network. We don't control and can't influence what you are publishing in any means. Birds around are symbol of freedom - we (and Lincoln) belive that those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.

How it's Made

This project is built on Webnative SDK by Fission that uses Filecoin/IPFS underneath. Huge benefit is simplified and user friendly authentication and file system synchronization process, that is handled by the framework. Frontend is built using SvelteKit and Tailwind and is ready to be hosted in a completely decentralized way.

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