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BlockDrive is a blockchain-based file storage web app using IPFS for decentralized file storage and blockchain for metadata, enabling users to download files from the IPFS network.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

BlockDrive is a blockchain-based file storage system using IPFS for file storage. It stores file metadata on the polygon blockchain with Solidity smart contracts. Metamask provides user identity, Hardhat is used for development, and Alchemy for smart contract deployment. BlockDrive is created by combining several key technologies and components:

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): This technology is responsible for storing files on distributed networks. It breaks files into smaller chunks and distributes them across a network of computers, ensuring efficient and decentralized file storage.

How it's Made

BlockDrive is created by combining several key technologies and components:

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): This technology is responsible for storing files on distributed networks. It breaks files into smaller chunks and distributes them across a network of computers, ensuring efficient and decentralized file storage.

Metamask: Metamask serves as a user identity tool and a cryptocurrency wallet. Users can authenticate and interact with the BlockDrive application using Metamask.

Solidity: Solidity is a programming language designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. In BlockDrive, Solidity is used to create smart contracts that manage file metadata and their locations on the blockchain.

Hardhat: Hardhat is a development environment for Ethereum that enables developers to write, test, and deploy smart contracts. It plays a role in deploying and testing the smart contracts that power BlockDrive.

Alchemy: Alchemy is a platform that provides tools and infrastructure for deploying and managing smart contracts. It is responsible for the deployment of smart contracts used in BlockDrive.

In summary, BlockDrive combines the power of IPFS for decentralized file storage, Metamask for user identity and interaction, Solidity for smart contract development, Hardhat for testing and deployment, and Alchemy for the deployment of smart contracts, creating a blockchain-based file storage system.

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