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A decentralized image prompt marketplace to securely manage and license prompts.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Today, anyone can become a creator by simply filling out a one-sentence prompt. It will be even more synergistic if it utilizes blockchain technology instead of simply buying and selling as a commodity. A marketplace that sells ChatGPT prompts combined with blockchain can take advantage of several benefits of blockchain. In particular, the more complex the prompt, the more transparent the distribution of the original author's copyright can be organized using NFT technology by providing a marketplace to buy and sell them.

How it's Made

Litprotocol v3 was utilized to enhance security through encrypt/decrypt when registering and viewing prompts. Tableland was used to organize the marketplace and prompt table, which was deployed to the Filecoin Calibration Testnet. After upload asset to IPFS, uploaded URI will be stored on tableland table. Prompts can be created, bought and sold, and the prompts for each image are tracked to ensure they are not minted as NFTs and stolen. We also configured NFT minting for each prompt in the form of a license to use it, and the contract for this is deployed on the Scroll Sepolia Testnet. While we're still working on the specific business logic, this allows us to provide a faster user experience and create a revenue structure that transparently credits the original authors of the prompts they create and earns them commission fees. Initially, we used lilypad to configure nodes for generating image, but it was not easy to integrate as well as lack of the time, so we configured image creation through the openAI dallee API. Also all resources are stored on IPFS.

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