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Balls of Art

A randomly generated, fully on-chain SVG NFT, with simple, random, and colorful balls of different sizes.

Balls of Art

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Balls of Art is an NFT collection that should serve as a basis to learn SVG-based, fully on-chain NFTs, and as a first step to start creating your own generative art NFTs. It shows in a clear, high-quality, yet simple way:

  • How to structure an NFT project
  • How to optimize for gas
  • How (pseudo) randomness works and how to create it without using oracles
  • How to draw simple SVGs
  • How to start playing with SVG animation
  • How to create a very simple generative art with all of the above.

Next steps for someone learning from this:

  • Create a more complex generative art structure
  • Take input from the user to create art with input as part of the equation
  • Learn more complex SVG
  • Add more animation
  • Create a front-end and engaging minting page and process
  • Create more art.

How it's Made

This project uses:

  • Newest Solidity
  • ERC721
  • Gas optimizations
  • Good-quality code, suitable for learning
  • (Pseudo) randomization
  • SVG drawing
  • SVG animation
  • Fully on-chain logic, metadata, and storage

Simple generative NFT art as an output.

Each NFT piece is a process of randomized:

  • Background color
  • Each ball's size
  • Each ball's color
  • Smiley ball location
background image mobile

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