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Unleashing the Future of Social Media, Digital Art NFTs with Seamless Interchain Minting, Web3Auth Login, AI Art Generation, and Real-time pAInt Token Streaming.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

AxelART is a groundbreaking platform that merges AI-generated art with blockchain technology, seamlessly combining web 2.0 social features such as liking, commenting, and sharing, with web 3.0 functionalities that allow users to mint their AI creations as NFTs on various blockchain networks. The platform simplifies the NFT minting process through Account Abstraction and offers diverse login options, including social, email, and wallet integration. Behind the scenes, it leverages Safe, Axelar, and The Graph to create a secure and user-friendly environment for art creation and ownership, while also introducing a unique pAInt Super Token for real-time streaming. AxelART redefines the artistic experience, making it accessible and engaging for a global community of artists and art enthusiasts.

How it's Made

Technologies Used:

Frontend Client App: The frontend is a web application hosted at It is primarily built using JavaScript and interfaces with AxelART server APIs. It utilizes the web3auth SDK for authentication.

Server APIs and Datastore: AxelART relies on Google Firebase services, including Firestore for data storage, Firebase Storage for image storage, and Firebase Functions for serverless backend functions.

Ethereum Smart Contracts: Three Solidity smart contracts play crucial roles in the project:

AIrtNFT.sol: An ERC721 NFT contract with support for ERC2771Context for secure permission-based function calls. This contract powers minting, collecting, and transferring of pAInt or WETH tokens.

Transporter.sol: A Transport contract that sends and receives NFTs between multiple AIrtNFT.sol contracts across different chains using General Messaging Passing (GMP) on the Axelar Network.

AIrtNFTFactory.sol: A factory contract used for deploying minimal clones of AIrtNFT.sol and Transporter.sol contracts, efficiently creating new instances when needed.

Streamer.sol: A contract leveraging the Superfluid protocol to enable streaming of the pAInt utility token. It is only deployed on the home chain.

How They're Pieced Together:

The frontend app interfaces with the server APIs to fetch and render data stored in Firestore, including user data, posts, and social interactions.

Web3Auth is used for user authentication, allowing multiple login methods, including social, email, and wallet.

Smart contracts facilitate NFT minting, transfer, and transport between chains. The Axelar Network's General Messaging Passing (GMP) technology enables this seamless interaction across multiple blockchains.

AxelART integrates the Safe{Core} Protocol for secure digital ownership and Account Abstraction, eliminating the need for users to handle complex seed phrases.

Gelato Relay is used for signing and executing transactions. It simplifies the process by allowing the platform to pay for users' transactions and provide a gasless minting experience.

Stripe Billing is integrated for AIrtist PRO subscriptions, providing a convenient way for users to access premium features.

Notable Hacks:

One notable aspect is the use of minimal clones for deploying AIrtNFT contracts for PRO users. This approach minimizes gas costs and streamlines the deployment process. Additionally, the platform accurately predicts a user's Safe address, even before it's deployed, ensuring that creators can receive payments even before their first minting.

Overall, AxelART's architecture and technology stack create a cohesive and user-friendly environment where AI-generated art meets blockchain and web3, revolutionizing the artistic experience for its users.

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