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Automated smart contract deployer

Just an automated smart contract creator using parameters submitted in a https request

Automated smart contract deployer

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Using shell.js on a nodejs backend this project allows users to create and deploy multiple instances of the same smart-contract with hardhat, almost effortlesly. As far as I could research I haven't found such a tool which could be as easy to use as this one. It obviously requires some polishing and extensive security considerations, but I believe that concept is very solid and useful

How it's Made

This was built mostly over last weekend. I searched for a tool that allows to effortlessly deploy versions of the same smart-contract, with just different parameters. I couldn't find any. So I decided to build one. I used nodejs backend, hardhat to deploy contracts and shelljs to use parsed parameters and to start deploy script in reaction to post request. Also used simplistic React frontend, but in truth even a simple curl could be enough

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