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Audio Call Dapp where user can connect with other people for audio call from wallet


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of


📅 IPFS/Filecoin — Daily Hack

Project Description

AudioX is a fully decentralised peer-to-peer communication dApp which currently supports voice, messages and file sharing over ethereum addresses, ens domains and lens profiles. AudioX leverages the potential of various web3 protocols like IPFS, XMTP and Lens for its functioning. AudioX is wallet-agnostic and all the communications that happen over AudioX are fully secured, peer-to-peer and end-to-end encrypted

How it's Made

In AudioX, users can establish call to any ethereum address, ens domain or lens profile. They are reconcilable. AudioX uses WebRTC to establish calls between any two peers. AudioX uses XMTP to power its messaging/chat feature. It also supports voice messages which are currently stored over IPFS with help of WEB3.STORAGE and transmitted across on the XMTP protocol. Users can also share files, images or any type of data over AudioX. AudioX also utilising the power of Lens composable social graph for fetching on-chain connections.

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