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No-code platform that allows music artists to create ERC-1155 NFT collection witch includes audio files as metadata. And music fans are able to own audio NFTs and listen to them.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

This project allows music artists to launch a music NFT campaign with interacting with a user friendly frontend. Music artists can sign in by connecting their Metamask wallet. Then music artists can deploy a ERC 1155 NFT smart contract using the frontend. This smart contract contains details about music artists and their music tracks. Music artists can upload music tracks to IPFS using the frontend and add music file CID to NFT metadata. Music fans can mint the music NFTs and listen to them using the frontend.

How it's Made

Frontend of the application is built using React. Music files are stored in IPFS using service. Smart contracts are written in Solidity and OpenZeppelin libraries are used for NFT smart contracts. Hardhat is used to develop and deploy smart contracts. Project is hosted in Vercel.

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