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Atlas Data DAO

Atlas Data DAO - community of scientists and amateur astronomers who observe the starry sky and update the star map

Atlas Data DAO

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project provides astronomical data with the possibility of getting inflation coins for users filling in the information and an easy way to obtain, and process astronomical data for users and companies that need information based on Data DAO. Any user can suggest adding a celestial body, if the community approves it, then it is displayed on the star atlas. (Proposer gets tokens)

How it's Made

This project uses Filecoin Calibration Testnet to manage smart contracts. I used to design the front end. D3 library is used to make Star Atlas. Tableland is used to store and manage data on the chain (the data for the map is taken from tableland). Solidity, hardhat, and remix were used for implementation, testing, and integration with smart contracts.

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