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This is an app for NFT competitions. More like a America's got talent, but for NFT creators. voting will be done


Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

Artisane is a project that aims to celebrate digital art. It is a competition for digital artist where the upcoming digital artists submit their work around a topic and a few are selected based on popular demand to join a Artisane collection.

I believe this project will immensely give digital artists exposure and introduce a lot more of NFTs and web3.

How it's Made

Tech used was:

  • Polygon for minting NFTs
  • IPFS for storing media content.
  • IPFS for voting (Not yet integrated).
  • Moralis for Auth.
  • React, Airtable, Vercel for the frontend, database and hosting.

What is really impressive about this is how much impact it can make. How much attention it would draw to the NFT and Crypto space. A marketing campaign will be launched next week. We are expecting a lot of sign ups.

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