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Anonymous DAO voting through the use of Polygon ID Verifiable Credentials.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project aims to foster a confidential voting environment within a DAO by leveraging Verifiable Credentials (VCs) to ensure voter anonymity. Through cryptographic techniques and smart contracts, a secure framework where DAO members can participate in decision-making processes without compromising their identity is explored. The utilization of VCs verified via Zero-Knowledge Proofs allows for the verification of voter eligibility without revealing identifiable information. Through a well-structured smart contract, where users are added onto a merkle tree ensuring credible voting and anonymity, votes are securely recorded and tallied, for a transparent, yet anonymous, voting process. This innovative approach not only upholds the democratic ethos of DAOs but also significantly enhances privacy and trust among its members.

How it's Made

This project uses the Polygon ID infra, with a key part called the Issuer Node set up locally. The backend, made using Node.js, stores important information for a smooth user experience and helps manage the process of creating and completing credential requests. The frontend is where users can claim their Verifiable Credentials, check their authenticity, and directly vote using the smart contract. It's built to make the process of anonymous voting in the DAO straightforward and user-friendly, bridging the gap between users and blockchain technology in a simple, effective manner.

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