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Art & Chai

Art & Chai is a transparent decentralized dating app where users will get their matches based on their skills and creativity.

Art & Chai

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ UMA - Best Use


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Art & Chai is a transparent decentralized dating app where users will get their matches based on their skills and creativity. In almost all dating apps users are judged based on their looks and beauty. So Art & Chai solve's this problem as here users will be known and matched by their skills and art. Once someone sends a heart to a profile then it will be reflected in the corresponding users heart page and a email notification will be sent to their profile. This is done using XMTP and Notifi.

If the other profile also sends a match then the chat feature will be enabled for them which is implemented using XMTP and chat notifications are also sent to the users using email notification if they opt for it.

Once a user signups on our app he will be redirected to a profile page where he enters his personal details and skill details and on every profile creation a UMA statement will be created which will be used to verify if the profile is real or fake. Any of the users can go to UMA and create or vote for a dispute for this statement if the profiles seems fake. At the end time of UMA statement if the dispute still remains then the profile will be flaged as fake on our app.

We have used Tableland for storing user data and profiles. We have used IPFS for storing the images, audio and video files which the user submits while profile creation and are featured in their profile. We have Deployed our contract on Scroll Network. We have used XMTP for chat messaging between matches. Notifi is used to sent email notifications to users when someone sends a match to their profile and chats with them. We have used UMA to verify the user profiles.

How it's Made

We have used Tableland for storing user data and profiles. We have used IPFS for storing the images, audio and video files which the user submits while profile creation and are featured in their profile. We have Deployed our contract on Scroll Network. We have used XMTP for chat messaging between matches. Notifi is used to sent email notifications to users when someone sends a match to their profile and chats with them. We have used UMA to verify the user profiles.

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