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Bring transparency and security to reforestation projects data


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🏊‍♀️ UMA & Across — Pool Prize

Project Description

Arboracle is a project that aims to bring data of reforestation projects on chain in a decentralized and secure way.

In this approach, each reforestation project will function as a DataDAO and its purpose is to incentivize people to bring data on chain. The data can be photos, videos or anything that helps the DataDAO to prove the health of the project.

For example, the DAO can say something like: "In order to submit data you have to provide a bond of 100 tokens an your reward will be 10 tokens if the data really represents the actual state of the project". These reward tokens can be in the form of ERC20 tokens minted by the project as it captures CO2 or any other token, such as USDC or WETH.

The data that the user submits is secured by the Optimistic Oracle of UMA.

After the data has has been accepted the DataDAO will use Bacalhau to run different algorithms on the submitted data and update the Health Score of the project. For this demo I ran out of time to implement this functionality with Bacalhau.

How it's Made

The core of this project is the UMA Optimistic Oracle in the Goerli testnet because it assures the the data provided is correct. I tweaked the OO a bit from the "normal" use because the request and propose functions are called in the same transaction, so after a person submits an image to the oracle, all that is left is for someone to dispute. I think that would be clearer in the demo.
I used scaffold-eth to develop the contracts and the front end. I love it because it has a lot of components that are ready to use, especially for building the front end and make it available online. I used IPFS to upload the files, the idea is that in the future the DAO can compute over this data using Bacalhau. Hopefully I can implement that in the future because I believe right now you can call Bacalhau directly from the smart contract which is awesome. Bacalhau is a really cool project that allows you to compute over data stored in IPFS.

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