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An open judicial system. Describe your case, choose qualified judges, and receive a ruling


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize


🥉 Covalent — Best Use


🥈 Spruce — Best use of Sign in With Ethereum

Project Description

Imagine this, you and a cofounder are building a NFT dapp. You have a dispute over how many items there should be in the collection. You think 10,000 items is best, but your cofounder thinks there should only be 1000. What do you do? If you have trusted mentors, then maybe they can help. But what if, like most people, you don’t? What if you could explain your problem, and get advice from a qualified person?

That’s where Arbit comes in. It solves these types of problems onchain. First, you explain your case. This requires describing your problem, selecting a second party, a qualified judge, and tags to describe the case. This information is then sent on chain.

Next, the second party will decide if everything looks ok, and if so, approve the case. If not, they can edit it to their desire, and send it back to party one.

Once both parties agree on the case details, it is sent to the judge. He will decide who is correct and give an explanation why. This verdict will be minted to an NFT and sent to the judge’s wallet

Each judge has a unique profile page. On this page, you can see if a judge is qualified to judge your case. For example, you can see if the judge is an ETH Power User or a NFT expert. Also, judges can prove that they are human. This will reduce the potential for fake/dishonest judges. This mints a special NFT to their wallet upon completion.

Future versions of this could have a more organized case database for past precedents. This would be useful for judges to reference in their verdicts. Also, judges could be given more specialized forms of credentials and rewarded for each case via ETH.

The potential market is huge because crypto is full of heated debates that need mediation. These problems can be technical, or behavioral. Hopefully, this project will further help computers and humans solve the never-ending supply of coordination issues.

How it's Made

Solidity/Foundry for smart contracts NFTPort for minting of judge/case NFTs (minted on Polygon mainnet) QuickNode for RPC and NFT data IPFS File/Image Storage for NFT metadata/images Worldcoin ID for sybil-resistance Covalent for transaction data The Graph for interacting with new contract subgraph RainbowKit with Sign-In with Ethereum for auth Deployed on Optimism/Polygon/Ropsten

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