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Apes Refi Club

We'll mint green NFTs called ARC to balance BAYC NFTs' carbon footprint. ARC's price will match BAYC's carbon emissions in ApeCoin. ARC holders get voting rights in Apes Refi Club DAO. Mint fees go to DAO treasury for decision-making.

Apes Refi Club

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project aims to transform the negative environmental impact of NFTs into a force for nature. Our proposal is to incentivize Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) token holders to pay for the carbon footprint their NFTs create, while also making a positive impact on the environment. To accomplish this, we will identify the addresses of BAYC NFT holders and determine the environmental impact of each NFT based on the amount of carbon emission involved and its monetary value. Next, we will design a contract that allows holders to pay for the carbon footprint of their NFTs, and in return, they will receive an ARC NFT on their NFT showing their contribution to ecological causes. Our team plans to use Polybase for data storage and design a simple, user-friendly interface. We plan to use a push protocol to create a voting track mechanism. Anyone can track an ARC NFT's vote and get notifications. We are gonna use The Graph to convert CO2 emission to ApeCoin the correct way. In summary, through our project, we hope to make a tangible contribution to environmental sustainability by transforming NFTs that caused negative effects on nature into a force for good while simultaneously ensuring that these ARC NFTs benefit their holders through governance and other value-adding features.

How it's Made

First, we created the ApesRefiClubNFT contract and ApesRefiClubDao. The ApesRefiClubNFT contract creates ARC NFTs. These ARC NFTs are minted one-to-one in exchange for BAYC NFTs. We keep the carbon emission amount of each BAYC NFT in Polybase. In this way, we increase the level of reliability by using a transparent database. We also keep the Merkle tree leaves from the ApesRefiClubNFT contract in Polybase, which significantly reduces gas usage. The most important part of ARC NFTs is that after the carbon price is paid, the token URI changes, and the double-sided ARC NFT with a dry tree behind it turns into an NFT with a green tree behind it. Polybase makes our job very easy at this point. We also store the proxies on our DAO shoulder in Polybase. In this way, instead of writing a lot of data to the blockchain, we only keep its hash. In order to calculate the carbon cost of ARC NFTs properly, we used The Graph, which allows us to accurately convert the carbon costs we calculate in dollars to ApeCoin parity. It is very important that ARC NFTs can be paid in ApeCoin. Anyone can have an ARC NFT that they choose and that they want to follow. If a user wants to follow the vote of an ARC NFT, they can easily add that ARC NFT to the follow list via the interface. As soon as the following ARC NFT is used in a vote, a notification is sent to its followers about which vote has been cast for which proposal via Push Protocol. We used the Push Protocol in the ApesRefiClubDao contract. Every time a vote is cast, a notification is sent to the follower thanks to the tracking codes. If the user wants to untrack, he/she can untrack the ARC NFTs in one move via the interface.

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