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Ape X Govern

On and off chain activity for voting power in ApeCoin DAO. Don't let the wealthy people overpower your voting right.

Ape X Govern

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Ape X Govern beliefs voting to be a earned right through their activity and involvement in a DAO and not something that can be bought with funds and money. Therefore, Ape X Govern aggregates both on-chain and off-chain activities and calculates a voting power that a user deserves. Apart from the funds and monetary factors the voting power will be determined by how many users he is bringing on board using his unique referrals, how much active the user is in proposals, discussions and many more. We have developed a way to generate a soul bound token for each user that comes in to the DAO. This soul bound is the "proof of credibility" for his voting power. The higher the achievements better will be his/her voting power.

How it's Made

We have primarily focused on improving the governance and community growing factors of ApeCoin. We have used ApeCoin staking, pool and contract functions to calculate the voting power. Also, we have made developed system of soul bound NFT that is also Dynamic in nature powered by Revise SDK. This NFT updates as per activity of the user in the DAO like participating in events, staking rewards and activity in proposals. The Dynamic can be swapped with a new Dynamic NFT that you win through events in order to grow your voting power.

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