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Ape Sync A Project build to Improve the Governance at Apecoin Dao and manage day-2-day tasks easily and never missing on Important Notifications related to Dao. Dashboard for Governance of Apecoin DAO Proposals, Governance , Votes , Group Messaging , Merchandise


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🔟 Push Protocol — Top 10

Project Description

Ape Sync

1> Improved Governance Stats related to the governance of the dao shown in the form of charts.

2> Token Gated Platform is token Gated via this token

2> Merchandise marketplace: We are providing a marketplace for ApeCoin-branded merchandise, allowing users to purchase unique swag and support the ApeCoin community.

3> Group Messaging via Push Protocol. To get easily notified when an important notification is there.

4> Organise your Schedule for the DAO using Kanban editor

How it's Made

It is made with high efforts and integration of Push Chat, snapshot api , discourse ,forum and ReactJs.

Users get notified whenever new proposal comes in via Push Protocol.

The application is token gated via APE Token to provide access to merchandise page only to users with APE Token.

Push notifications are utilized in our Apecoin DAO app in various ways to improve governance and enhance user engagement. Here are some potential use cases which the app focuses on:

Proposal submissions: The app could send a push notification to the relevant members of the DAO when a new proposal is submitted, ensuring that they are aware of the proposal and can review it promptly.

Voting reminders: The app could send push notifications to users reminding them to vote on pending proposals. This would help ensure that all members have a chance to participate in the decision-making process.

3 .Merchandise updates: Push notifications could be used to inform users about new merchandise products that have been added to the app. This would keep users engaged and encourage them to visit the app more frequently.

DAO events: If the Apecoin DAO hosts events, push notifications could be sent to users to inform them of the event details and remind them to attend.

Proposal status updates: As proposals progress through the voting process, push notifications could be sent to keep users updated on the status of each proposal.

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