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APE Dao (2.0)

Cross Chain Governance Smart Contract for APE Community. Where users can vote on DAO in Polygon Chain from Optimism Network.

APE Dao (2.0)

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

The cross-chain governance smart contract would also enable the APE community to vote on proposals and decisions using a decentralized governance system. This would be done through a token-based voting system(USDC), where community members can vote using their APE tokens(For now USDC tokens).

This smart contract for the APE community would allow for seamless communication and decision-making across multiple blockchain networks. This would be achieved through the use of smart contracts that are programmed to execute specific actions based on pre-determined conditions.

How it's Made

This Project uses @Connext Protocol for seamless data and token transfer between different networks. This Project is built explicitly to enhance the reach of APE DAO Community members. We have used TEST token bridging between the Polygon Test network and Optimism test net using the connext protocol. For multiple data bridging I have used abi. encode() method. and to enhance the community of APE I have deployed it on Scroll Alpha Testnet.

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