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AI Agents on the blockchain using XMTP. It's a SaaS product that every user can take advantage of for their business or personal needs!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project empowers users to harness custom AI models and an intuitive SaaS automation dashboard. With this platform, users can seamlessly design and fine-tune AI models, tailoring them to specific constraints and desired behaviors. Once their models are meticulously crafted, users can effortlessly integrate a chat widget into their websites, providing a personalized and sophisticated conversational experience for their visitors. This powerful platform equips users with the tools they need to shape AI interactions precisely according to their requirements and effortlessly deploy them on their websites.

How it's Made

Backend was build in Nodejs and Python for language models. For the frontend Svelte/Sveltekit, TailwindCSS, Metamask for login and XMTP.

Svelte proved ideal for our Ethereum hackathon project due to its exceptional performance and small bundle sizes, essential for minimizing data transfer costs. Svelte's reactivity simplifies handling real-time XMTP data, while SvelteKit streamlines development with organized structures and server-side rendering. Its intuitive syntax facilitated rapid development within our hackathon's limited timeframe. Moreover, Svelte's compatibility with other libraries and frameworks offers versatility when integrating Ethereum-related tools. Overall, Svelte's efficiency, community support, and reactivity made it a top choice for our project.

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