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Leveraging web2 Social with Anonymous Authentication and Verification


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


๐ŸŠโ€โ™‚๏ธ UMA - Best Use

Project Description

Users can effortlessly add their videos, benefitting from off-chain verification powered by the UMA protocol which let users assert that they own a certain Video Link. There is a time period when anyone can challenge these assertions and prevent this.But here's the twist - to watch these videos, users must meet specific criteria, whether they're on-chain or off-chain. Whether it's holding a particular token or NFTs, demonstrating GitHub contributions, or being a member of a DAO, we make it possible through our SismoConnectApp.

We're solving critical issues such as private web2 streaming, all based on On-chain or Off-chain data. No more false comments on videos, as only experienced individuals are allowed to view and comment.

How it's Made

AnonYSurf leverages the latest technology like Next.js for a dynamic frontend, Moralis-Web3UiKit for a smooth user experience, and Js for Chrome extension. This, combined with UMA protocol and Sismo, ensures a seamless and secure experience for all without revealing and sharing any private data of user.

Problems Faced-

  1. UMA OptimisticOracleV3 is not deployed at many blockchains including Mantle and Scroll , so AnonYSurf cant be deployed at Mantle and Scroll.
  2. I have tried to implement PolygonID but came to realise that iden3/contracts have some wrong commits of renaming a function which has not done to all contracts yet that make it nearly impossible to integrate it.
  3. It was challenging to use chrome extension with web3 stuff.
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