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Alpha NFT

Crosschain alpha NFT project on zkEVM with mint logic that depends on owning an asset on Ethereum

Alpha NFT

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Bridge Communication: The contract imports the IPolygonZkEVMBridge interface, which is assumed to be an interface to a bridge contract that facilitates communication between Ethereum Mainnet and the Polygon zkEVM network.

Asset and Threshold Configuration: Users can configure the contract with a specific ERC-20, ERC-721, or similar contract (represented by the baseAsset) and a required balance threshold (amountRequired) to be eligible for NFT minting.

Ownership Confirmation: The confirmOwnership function is the core functionality of the contract. Users call this function to confirm their ownership of a specific asset by verifying if they hold a balance greater than or equal to the required amount. If the user's balance meets the requirement, the contract triggers the bridgeApproval function to send a message to the Polygon zkEVM network, allowing the NFT minting process to proceed.

Receiver Configuration: The contract allows the owner to set the receiver address on the zkEVM network through the setReceiver function. This ensures that the NFTs are minted and sent to the correct address on the zkEVM network.

Contract Safety: The contract contains a isContract function to check if a given address is a contract, enhancing security by ensuring that the baseAsset is indeed a contract.

How it's Made

The ApprovalSender contract is a Solidity smart contract that primarily serves as a bridge between two different Ethereum networks, specifically between the Ethereum Mainnet and the Polygon zkEVM network. It is designed to facilitate the minting of NFTs in the Polygon zkEVM network by allowing users on the Ethereum Mainnet to confirm ownership of certain assets and then trigger the minting process on the zkEVM network.

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