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Albumlog is a decentralized platform that empowers musicians to create, showcase, and sell their music without the need for intermediaries.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


👯 Polybase — Pool Prize


📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

This project is a decentralized platform that empowers musicians to create, showcase, and sell their music without the need for intermediaries. By leveraging blockchain technology, Albumlog ensures that musicians have full control over their work and are fairly compensated for their efforts. Albumlog offers a wide range of features to musicians, including:

A platform to showcase their musical projects An online catalog of their work The ability to earn commission for new projects Tools to create and collaborate with other musicians A direct connection to their fans and supporters Transparent and fair compensation through blockchain technology

Albumlog is built on Ethereum - one of the most popular blockchain platforms for decentralized applications. It uses smart contracts to ensure secure and transparent transactions between musicians and fans, without the need for intermediaries.

As a musician, you can create and upload your musical project onto the platform. Once uploaded, your project is indexed into Albumlog's smart contract (your keys, your rules) and is available for fans to discover, listen to, purchase and get commissioned.

Albumlog generates revenue by taking a small percentage of each transaction made on the platform. This revenue is used to maintain and improve the platform, ensuring that musicians have the best possible tools and support to create and showcase their work.

Join us on Albumlog today and become part of the growing community of musicians who are taking control of their work and achieving their artistic vision under the Web3 paradigm.

How it's Made

The project combines Polybase and IPFS filecoin to store and manage NFT assets such as audio and permissions, allowing both dynamic and permanent NFTs types.

Smart contracts are developed to several l2 chains (including Scroll).

This project is a decentralized platform that empowers musicians to create, showcase, and sell their music without the need for intermediaries. By leveraging blockchain technology, Albumlog ensures that musicians have full control over their work and are fairly compensated for their efforts. Albumlog offers a wide range of features to musicians, including:

A platform to showcase their musical projects An online catalog of their work The ability to earn commission for new projects Tools to create and collaborate with other musicians A direct connection to their fans and supporters Transparent and fair compensation through blockchain technology

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