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AI Content Cop

Farcaster Content Cop: An AI-powered content moderation tool for Farcaster, built on Galadriel's decentralized AI L1. Analyzes user profiles, detects spam, and assesses ethical concerns. Empowering safer social interactions on Web3.

AI Content Cop

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of


AI x Social

Project Description

Farcaster Content Cop is an innovative application developed for the EthGlobal 2024 hackathon, designed to enhance content moderation and user safety on the Farcaster social media platform. This project uniquely combines blockchain technology with artificial intelligence, leveraging Galadriel's groundbreaking L1 solution for decentralized AI applications.

Key Features and Functionality:

Farcaster Profile Analysis: Retrieves user data from Farcaster, including follower count, following count, and FarScore. Fetches the user's recent posts (casts) for analysis.

AI-Powered Content Evaluation: Utilizes Galadriel's decentralized AI infrastructure to analyze user content. Processes user metrics and recent posts to generate comprehensive assessments.

Spam Detection: Employs advanced AI algorithms to identify potential spam content. Provides a clear indication of spam likelihood in the user's posts.

Ethical Assessment: Evaluates content for potential ethical concerns or violations of community standards. Offers insights into the nature and severity of any identified issues.

Action Recommendations: Suggests appropriate actions based on the AI analysis, such as monitoring, warning, or reporting.

User-Friendly Interface: Offers a clean, intuitive web interface for easy interaction. Allows users to input Farcaster usernames for instant analysis.

Blockchain Integration: Incorporates Web3Modal for seamless wallet connectivity. Ensures secure and decentralized user authentication.

Transparency and Explainability: Provides detailed breakdowns of AI assessments. Allows users to view both summary results and in-depth analysis.

Technical Implementation:

  • Built using React.js for a responsive front-end experience.
  • Integrates Airstack API for efficient Farcaster data retrieval.
  • Utilizes Galadriel's L1 blockchain for decentralized AI processing, enabling the creation of AI-powered dApps using Solidity.
  • Implements Web3Modal and Ethers.js for blockchain interactions and wallet connectivity.

Unique Value Proposition: Farcaster Content Cop stands out by offering a decentralized approach to content moderation. By leveraging Galadriel's "Ethereum for AI" infrastructure, it ensures that AI decision-making processes are transparent, immutable, and free from centralized control. This approach aligns perfectly with the ethos of Web3 and decentralized social media platforms like Farcaster.

Future Potential:

Cross-Platform Adaptability: The core technology can be easily adapted for use in other decentralized social media platforms such as Lens Protocol, expanding its impact beyond Farcaster. With minor modifications, the system could analyze content across multiple Web3 social networks, providing a comprehensive view of a user's online presence.

Integration with Farcaster Frames & Mini Apps: Farcaster Content Cop can be seamlessly integrated into Farcaster Frames, allowing for in-situ content analysis and moderation within the Farcaster ecosystem. Developers can incorporate this tool into their Farcaster Mini Apps, enhancing user safety and content quality in various decentralized applications.

Lens & XMTP Frame Integration: The project can be extended to work within Lens Protocol's frame system, bringing its AI-powered content analysis to the Lens ecosystem. Integration with XMTP (Extensible Message Transport Protocol) frames would allow for real-time content moderation in decentralized messaging applications.

Evolving AI Model: The AI model can be continually improved through on-chain governance and decentralized machine learning processes, allowing it to adapt to new types of content and emerging moderation challenges.

Community-Driven Moderation System: The project could evolve into a decentralized, community-driven moderation system where stakeholders can vote on moderation policies and contribute to the refinement of the AI model.

Customizable Moderation Policies: Future versions could allow communities or individual users to set their own moderation parameters, creating a more flexible and personalized content filtering experience.

Cross-Chain Compatibility: As the project grows, it could be adapted to work across multiple blockchain networks, leveraging cross-chain technologies to provide a unified content moderation solution for the entire Web3 space.

API and SDK Development: The core functionality could be packaged into APIs and SDKs, allowing developers to easily incorporate content moderation features into their own decentralized applications. Reputation System Integration: The tool could be expanded to contribute to and interact with decentralized reputation systems, helping to create a more trust-based environment in Web3 social platforms.

Privacy-Preserving Analysis: Future iterations could incorporate zero-knowledge proofs or other privacy-preserving technologies to perform content analysis without compromising user data privacy.

Impact: By providing an efficient, AI-driven tool for content analysis, Farcaster Content Cop aims to create a safer, more transparent social media environment. It empowers users and moderators with insights that can help maintain the quality of discussions and interactions on the Farcaster platform.

This project not only showcases the potential of decentralized AI in social media moderation but also demonstrates the practical applications of Galadriel's innovative L1 solution in real-world scenarios. It represents a significant step towards more ethical, transparent, and decentralized content moderation in the Web3 ecosystem.

How it's Made

Core Technologies:

React.js: We chose React for its component-based architecture and efficient rendering, which allowed us to create a responsive and interactive user interface.

TypeScript: Used throughout the project for type safety and improved developer experience.

Galadriel L1: The cornerstone of our project, Galadriel's "Ethereum for AI" infrastructure enabled us to build decentralized AI applications using Solidity. This allowed us to create AI models that run on-chain, ensuring transparency and immutability of our content moderation processes.

Solidity: Used to write smart contracts for our AI models on Galadriel's L1. Web3Modal & Ethers.js: Integrated for wallet connectivity and blockchain interactions, allowing users to authenticate securely.

Airstack API: Utilized for efficient retrieval of Farcaster user data and posts. Integration and Development Process:

Frontend Development:

*Created a React application using Create React App with TypeScript template. *Implemented a clean, intuitive UI using CSS modules for styling. *Developed components for user input, result display, and detailed analysis views. Blockchain Integration: *Integrated Web3Modal for wallet connectivity. *Used Ethers.js to interact with Galadriel's L1 blockchain. *Implemented functions to call our on-chain AI models.

Airstack API Integration:

*Created custom hooks to fetch Farcaster user data and recent posts. *Implemented error handling and loading states for API calls.

AI Model Development:

*Developed AI models for content analysis using TensorFlow.js. *Converted these models to run on Galadriel's L1 using Solidity. *Implemented functions for spam detection, ethical assessment, and action recommendations.

On-Chain AI Processing:

*Deployed our AI models as smart contracts on Galadriel's L1. *Developed Solidity functions to process user data and return analysis results.

Data Flow:

*User inputs a Farcaster username. *Frontend fetches user data and recent posts from Airstack API. *Data is sent to our on-chain AI models via Ethers.js. *AI models process the data and return results. *Results are displayed in the UI, with options for detailed views.

Notable Challenges and Solutions:

On-Chain AI Optimization: We faced challenges in optimizing our AI models to run efficiently on-chain. We implemented a novel compression technique to reduce the model size while maintaining accuracy.

Real-time Analysis: To provide near real-time results, we implemented a caching mechanism that stores recent analyses, reducing redundant on-chain computations.

Privacy Considerations: We implemented a basic form of differential privacy in our on-chain models to protect user data while maintaining analysis accuracy.

Gas Optimization: We optimized our Solidity contracts to minimize gas costs, implementing batched processing where possible. Innovative Aspects:

Decentralized AI Governance: We implemented a basic on-chain voting system that allows users to propose and vote on changes to the AI model's parameters, creating a truly decentralized and community-driven content moderation system.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Although primarily designed for Farcaster, we built our system with modularity in mind, allowing easy adaptation for other platforms like Lens Protocol.

Frame-Ready Architecture: We structured our frontend components to be easily embeddable in Farcaster Frames and Mini Apps, anticipating future integration.

By leveraging Galadriel's innovative L1 solution, we were able to create a truly decentralized AI-powered content moderation tool. This approach not only aligns with Web3 principles but also opens up new possibilities for transparent and community-driven content governance in social media platforms.

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