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A de-centralized Advertiser. Advertisements are rolled up on the platforms. Let's roll 👀!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

AdRoll provides a way websites to include advertisements onto their web pages. Simply include an npm package in your package.json and you are ready to go with the component placed wherever you need. Get paid, and earn by putting up the advertisements and also one can customize its design as per their needs. AdRoll is also allowing interchain interactions using Hyperlane ICA making availability to multiple chains and hence, interoperability. An advertiser uploads an advertisement and the platforms or websites can register themselves in order to roll advertisements onto their website. With its important essence, the package is still a work in progress. The advertisement is saved on ipfs using making an decentralized approach.

How it's Made

Currently, its an npm package to include in the website's code. Smart contracts written in solidity is deployed on Mantle, Scroll, Polygon, and FVM testnets. The main data is sits on polygon chain whereas the other chains are included for interoperability and would be working once the interchain ica is available on the hyperlane. Polygon is chosen because of its available on the graph for indexing. Hence, The graph protocol is used to index the advertisements and fetch the ad to show up on the platform. The package is made in typescript and is in development.

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