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AATBA Profile

AATBA Profile: Fool-proof achievement verification. One account for all Sub-Profiles using Account Abstraction and Token Bound Account. Your achievements, securely verified.

AATBA Profile

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Our journey began at the ETHGlobal ETH Online 2023 hackathon, where five of us met through ETHGlobal's Discord channel. During this event, we realized that team formation faced a common challenge. Participants shared their profiles in an unstructured way, leading to inefficiencies and reliance on gut-feel for team selection.

While we also appreciated ETHGlobal's suggested use of Google Slides for introductions, we understood that many participants wanted a simpler, more private, and streamlined solution for creating profiles, particularly for hackathons.

This led to the creation of AATBA Profile, a protocol and tool designed to address these challenges. AATBA Profile simplifies the process, enabling users to create and manage Sub-Profiles with a single wallet address. These Sub-Profiles are each represented as a Token Bound Account (TBA) NFT.

AATBA Profile provides a secure, streamlined approach to online identity management. It allows users to verify their achievements, manage their profiles effectively, and share information efficiently, all within a single platform. It empowers users to maintain a unified digital identity across various platforms and showcase their accomplishments without compromising privacy or security.

AATBA Profile also shines by providing a significant use case for Soul Bound Tokens (SBT). It allows companies, institutions, and schools to directly deploy SBT collections to users' TBA NFTs. This innovation greatly simplifies the process of transitioning between wallets, ensuring that users can effortlessly transfer their profiles without the risk of profile or account loss.

In summary, AATBA Profile simplifies online identity management for individuals and organizations within the blockchain and hackathon communities. It streamlines the process of creating, verifying, and sharing profiles, enhances the usability of Soul Bound Tokens, and ensures users can confidently manage their digital identities in a dynamic Web3 landscape.

How it's Made

Our primary goal was to create an exceptionally user-friendly yet highly secure platform that streamlines blockchain interactions for users. Here's a detailed look at how we brought this project to life:

AATBA: Account Abstraction and Token Bound Accounts At the heart of AATBA Profile lies the synergy of two pivotal Ethereum technologies: Account Abstraction and Token Bound Accounts (TBA). These technologies were meticulously implemented to enable users to seamlessly create and manage their profiles. This innovation also brings Soul Bound Token into the fold, providing an actual use case for this blockchain development.

Enhancing Security and Usability with Polygon & Safe The integration of Polygon, a layer-2 scaling solution, and Safe's SDK for account abstraction has been instrumental in enhancing both the security and usability of the platform. This dynamic duo helps improve transaction speeds and user experience while maintaining high-security standards.

Diverse Network Usage: Ethereum, Polygon, Scroll, and Mantle To ensure that AATBA Profile is accessible across multiple blockchain networks, we've built it on a solid foundation encompassing Ethereum, Polygon, Scroll, and Mantle. This diversity enhances the platform's reach and flexibility for users.

Boosting Trust with YugaLabs NFT Collections We've introduced an innovative verification system by integrating YugaLabs NFT collections as badges within Sub-Profiles. This feature offers an elevated level of trust and verification, allowing users to showcase their achievements and status.

Enhancing Privacy and Connectivity: Mask Network, Sismo, Cometh, The Graph Although not fully implemented yet, we're excited about the prospects of technologies such as Mask Network for enhancing user privacy and security. We're actively exploring partner technologies like Sismo and Cometh to enhance account management and connectivity, ensuring alignment with the needs and expectations of our user community. Additionally, we're considering the potential integration of The Graph for streamlined data access and analysis.

Innovative Abstraction Approach AATBA Profile's development is notably characterized by our unique approach to abstracting blockchain complexities. We've created a user-friendly interface that conceals the intricacies of blockchain interactions, bridging the traditional web and the blockchain world. This innovation eliminates the need for users to manage wallet addresses and private keys, making blockchain interaction user-friendly and secure.

Our commitment to making blockchain technology accessible to all, while ensuring robust security and functionality, truly sets AATBA Profile apart. It's an accomplishment that underscores our dedication to innovation and usability in the blockchain space.

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