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3Estates is a real estate marketplace backed by NFTs and smart contracts


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

3Estates is a platform where tokenization of real-world real estate properties happens and then the transfer of ownership is backed by NFTs and secured using smart contracts. Once the deal is initiated the deal is locked for a buyer-seller so that the seller cannot do double spending eliminating frauds.

How it's Made

The smart contracts are written in Solidity and deployed on Polygon Blockchain. The frontend is built on ReactJs and the data would be stored on IPFS. Main : ThriEstate Contract Documents Contract 0x0bc22b9c2c139fce3c191f774fe67fd4d3f2005a MarketPlace Contract 0x377db8cc7a01b741879ecaad7e6ad8180961599c Real Estate NFT contract 0xec2075df04c1a8a44e60f2bd5fb38a143c93e896

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