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A decentralized mail service which enables two people to send mails on their ens domains.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize


🥇 Unstoppable — Best use of Login with Unstoppable


🏊‍♂️ Unstoppable — Pool Prize

Project Description

Our preliminary idea was to make it possible to send mails from one address to another. This was basically kept in mind with the shortcomings of mail services such as Gmail and Outlook. We aim at providing Decentralized way of getting and sending mails, stored on IPFS/Filecoin with unlimited storage.

How it's Made

In 0xMail we are using IPFS/Filecoin to store the metadata of all the emails using the API - . We used Unstoppable Domains for getting our clients logged in -( and also WorldCoin for human verification - ( . We used the ethers library to resolve the ENS domains from wallet addresses via reverse resolution.

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