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Decentralized marketplace for smart-contract audits. Browse auditors, get quote, reicieve security badge as NFT!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

For developers its notoriously difficult to know/find suitable smart-contract auditors - where are they, how good are they or what is their price. Furthermore signing NDAs and organizing meetings takes up valuable time.

0xLeague is a platform protocol (set of 2 smart contracts) that aims to solve these issues:

  • Anybody can create an auditor profile by signing a template NDA
  • Clients can browse auditors by score and availability
  • Clients can submit audit requests and auditors can answer with price quote
  • All payments are settled on-chain (Scroll Sepolia blockchain) as test USDC (
  • Audit progress can be managed on-chain
  • Successful audits receive an NFT badge
  • After audit, client can rate the audit experience. An on-chan average score is calculated for the auditor.

Audit privacy:

  • Audit is managed on fast and efficient public blockchain Scroll
  • Workflow requires publishing auditor and client telegram accounts. This is needed to establish a secodary verified communication channel in the context of the NDA.
  • Workflow requires client publishing a git commit id. The repository does not need to be public.
  • Auditor can (but is not mandated) to publish report publicly on blockchain.

How it's Made

  • The project was made using the no-code tool Toolblox. Toolblox allows to generate smart contracts with AI and deploy to a number of blockchain - in this case Scroll was selected. The first drafts of the smart-contract workflows were generated with GPT4 (Toolblox plugin for ChatGPT).
  • Two smart contracts were created: one for storing auditor profile and the other for storing audits as NFTs. They reference each other. Profile contract calls Audit contract to create new audits passing on the auditor id, address and NDA. Audit contract calls Profile contract when the audit is scored by the user, passing on the score.
  • The NDA is stored on IPFS using Web3.Storage
  • Contracts are available here and here and the generated code at
  • The landing page ( was done with Toolblox dApp Builder. It is just a simple html which enables the user to choose to open either the Profile or Audit smart contract (a sub-dApp).
  • All other functionality (app logic and behavior) is auto-generated by Toolblox based on the smart contract workflow. Toolblox is hosting dApps as PWAs (based on .Net Blazor framework) and is using ethers.js for blockchain integration. dApps are hosted in Azure, Swiss North region.
  • The logo was created with Xara and the background image with the league characters was created with Midjourney.
  • All design code, images, NDA and auto-generated smart contracts were published to at the time of creation.
background image mobile

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