
Uniswap Grants Program



If you're building something 🔥🔥🔥 on Uniswap - whether it's a tool, swap extensions, governance improvements, or even infrastructure for helping others, UGP wants you to make sure you can build it! Please let us know what you're working on and let's discuss how we might be able to help you! Our current focus is to support specific areas accomplishing the following: - Usability - improving the user experience - Community - growing the ecosystem - Tooling - improving the developer experience

If you're building something 🔥🔥🔥 on Uniswap - whether it's a tool, swap extensions, governance improvements, or even infrastructure for helping others, UGP wants you to make sure you can build it! Please let us know what you're working on and let's discuss how we might be able to help you!

Our current focus is to support specific areas accomplishing the following:

  • Usability - improving the user experience
  • Community - growing the ecosystem
  • Tooling - improving the developer experience


Uniswap Grants Program$100,000

Apply Here

  • Applications - UNI Grants Program Application

Getting Started

  • UNI Hackathon Getting Started Guide

RFPs & Challenges

  • RFPs & Challenges

Visor Finance



Visor Finance is a DeFi protocol for active liquidity management on Uniswap v3. The Visor Finance protocol is made up of a few modular components which allow for active management strategies to be deployed on liquidity positions, optimizing for fee return and capital efficiency.

Visor Finance is a DeFi protocol for active liquidity management on Uniswap v3. The Visor Finance protocol is made up of a few modular components which allow for active management strategies to be deployed on liquidity positions, optimizing for fee return and capital efficiency.


Visor Finance$8,000


  • https://docs.visor.finance/


  • https://github.com/VisorFinance/hypervisor/blob/master/contracts/Hypervisor.sol
  • https://github.com/visorfinance
  • https://github.com/gammastrategies


Aztec is a privacy focused L2 network that brings scalable privacy to Ethereum. Our latest product, Aztec Connect, allows users to transact with existing smart contracts on Ethereum mainnet via zero knowledge rollups that batch transactions together and provide users with ironclad privacy. Via Aztec Connect, developers can integrate Aztec with any dapp so users can trade, lend, borrow, and earn privately. Using our SDK and bridge contracts, developers can enable users to transact without revealing details about their transaction, addresses, or balances.

Aztec is a privacy focused L2 network that brings scalable privacy to Ethereum. Our latest product, Aztec Connect, allows users to transact with existing smart contracts on Ethereum mainnet via zero knowledge rollups that batch transactions together and provide users with ironclad privacy.

Via Aztec Connect, developers can integrate Aztec with any dapp so users can trade, lend, borrow, and earn privately. Using our SDK and bridge contracts, developers can enable users to transact without revealing details about their transaction, addresses, or balances.


AZTEC Protocol$5,000


  • https://developers.aztec.network/


  • https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-connect-starter
  • https://github.com/AztecProtocol

Omni Analytics



Omni Analytics Group is a boutique data science consulting firm that specializes in helping blockchain projects get the most out of their digital data. We conduct research, design data visualizations, and create machine learning algorithms that help DAOs improve their product offerings, increase adoption and expand the usability of their dApps. One such project, and the focus of this UniCode hackathon bounty, is the Uniswap R integration package UniSwappeR developed through the support of the Uniswap Grants Program. UniSwappeR is a package designed to interact with the Uniswap platform and enable the exploration of UniSwap data seamlessly from within the statistical programming language R. We are looking for hackers to help expand its functionality and explore new, innovative use cases for the package.

Omni Analytics Group is a boutique data science consulting firm that specializes in helping blockchain projects get the most out of their digital data. We conduct research, design data visualizations, and create machine learning algorithms that help DAOs improve their product offerings, increase adoption and expand the usability of their dApps.

One such project, and the focus of this UniCode hackathon bounty, is the Uniswap R integration package UniSwappeR developed through the support of the Uniswap Grants Program. UniSwappeR is a package designed to interact with the Uniswap platform and enable the exploration of UniSwap data seamlessly from within the statistical programming language R.

We are looking for hackers to help expand its functionality and explore new, innovative use cases for the package.


Omni Analytics$4,000

Read Our Walk-through

  • https://crypto.omnianalytics.io/2021/10/12/seamless-trades-and-platform-growth-metrics-with-uniswapper/

Watch the Introductory Videos

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCDr-zsrM8Y
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpWZLMB2lvM

View the Code Repository

  • https://github.com/Omni-Analytics-Group/uniswappeR


Polywrap is a devtool that enables easy integration of Web3 protocols into any application. It makes it possible for software on any device, written in any language, to read and write data to Web3 protocols.

Polywrap is a devtool that enables easy integration of Web3 protocols into any application. It makes it possible for software on any device, written in any language, to read and write data to Web3 protocols.




  • https://docs.polywrap.io/

Uniswap Integration Workshop

  • https://github.com/polywrap/uni-workshop

Video Accompanying the Uni Workshop

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGctiCNrt0I

EthCC Overview of Polywrap

  • https://ethcc.polywrap.io/


DeFi and Web3 need decentralized front-ends and off-chain storage to maintain their decentralization. Skynet provides easy-to-use, easy-to-access decentralized storage for users and developers, without needing any special wallet or browser extensions. Data is stored by hosts on the Sia Blockchain network, and pinned to the network by a decentralized network of Skynet portals. Homescreen builds on Skynet to let DeFi users store versioned builds of application front-ends. Users have easy access to their favorite dapps and files, backed up to Skynet, for maximum control, fraud protection, and censorship resistance. As a developer team, you shouldn’t need to worry about the complexities and liabilities involved in maintaining access to your front-end.

DeFi and Web3 need decentralized front-ends and off-chain storage to maintain their decentralization. Skynet provides easy-to-use, easy-to-access decentralized storage for users and developers, without needing any special wallet or browser extensions. Data is stored by hosts on the Sia Blockchain network, and pinned to the network by a decentralized network of Skynet portals. Homescreen builds on Skynet to let DeFi users store versioned builds of application front-ends. Users have easy access to their favorite dapps and files, backed up to Skynet, for maximum control, fraud protection, and censorship resistance. As a developer team, you shouldn’t need to worry about the complexities and liabilities involved in maintaining access to your front-end.



Skynet Guide

  • https://support.siasky.net/

Skynet Developer Guide - Homescreen

  • https://docs.siasky.net/integrations/homescreen
  • https://github.com/SkynetLabs/uniswap-interface


Optimistic Ethereum is, in a nutshell, an application inside of Ethereum that executes transactions more efficiently than Ethereum itself. It's based on the concept of the Optimistic Rollup, a construction that allows us to "optimistically" publish transaction results without actually executing those transactions on Ethereum (most of the time). Optimistic Ethereum makes transactions cheaper, faster, and smarter.

Optimistic Ethereum is, in a nutshell, an application inside of Ethereum that executes transactions more efficiently than Ethereum itself.

It's based on the concept of the Optimistic Rollup, a construction that allows us to "optimistically" publish transaction results without actually executing those transactions on Ethereum (most of the time). Optimistic Ethereum makes transactions cheaper, faster, and smarter.




  • Welcome to Optimistic Ethereum. | Stay Optimistic.


  • OptimismPBC


  • Ethereum Optimism Blog - Medium


The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) enables you to have a cross-platform web3 username and profile, to simplify crypto payments for any blockchain, and decentralized websites. ENS supports .ETH names natively, as well as importing DNS names you already own. ENS is integrated in over 300 services, including wallets, dapps, and browsers.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) enables you to have a cross-platform web3 username and profile, to simplify crypto payments for any blockchain, and decentralized websites. ENS supports .ETH names natively, as well as importing DNS names you already own. ENS is integrated in over 300 services, including wallets, dapps, and browsers.




  • Workshop Slide Deck
  • ENS text record
  • NFT Aavatar field specification
  • ENS subdomains
  • Durin
  • The full idea list


  • ENS Website

Intro: Decentralized naming for wallets, websites & more

  • Introduction