logoScaling Ethereum 2024


🏆 Best Use of Witness Protocol$1,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $500
Witness empowers developers to create onchain-verifiable and composable proofs for data of any type or scale, across multiple blockchains, with a simple API and no upfront or dynamic onchain transactions fees. This protocol unlocks novel use cases at scale such as sovereign lazy minting/preminting, open edition NFTs, points, and more. Start using Witness in under 3 minutes using our Quickstart: https://docs.witness.co/quickstart#tldr

Qualification Requirements

To be eligible for this prize, you must integrate the Witness API or Protocol into your hackathon submission. We will also consider contributions to any open source repos available on our Github: https://github.com/WitnessCo. If you're interested in ideas you can build with Witness, feel free to reach out to our team for some suggestions!